The physicians and staff of Unity Surgical Center (USC) place your health and safety as our top priority. We closely monitor public health concerns including COVID-19 and follow recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH), and the Tippecanoe County Health Department (TCHD). We provide outpatient surgical care following safety protocols to protect patients, their families, and our staff. USC follows frequent and extensive cleaning protocols for all areas of the surgery center and 23-hour suites, and appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is used. Please contact us through this website or call us at 765-446-5000 if you have any questions or concerns about your surgery or our precautions for COVID-19.
SCREENING FOR PATIENTS: If patients have any screening signs or symptoms of COVID-19 they may be asked to have a pre-operative COVID-19 test (nasal swab). Any patient testing positive or who is suspect for active COVID-19 will have their surgery deferred.
VISITORS/DRIVERS: Any visitor with signs or symptoms of COVID-19 or known to be COVID-19 positive will be asked to remain outside of the surgery center. If the patient’s accompanying family member or driver does not come into the surgical center, or if they choose to leave the center during the procedure, we ask that they remain accessible by cell phone and stay in the close vicinity of USC. We will be happy to provide phone updates and discharge instructions.
MASKS FOR PATIENTS AND VISITORS: Patients and visitors may choose to wear a mask while in Unity Surgical Center for any reason and may request our staff to wear a mask in their presence as well. If a patient or visitor has any symptoms of respiratory infection or has had a possible COVID-19 exposure, entry into USC will be determined individually by our administrative clinical staff. If entry is permitted, use of a properly fitted mask may be required.
Thank you for your understanding and compliance with these precautions.
We are closely monitoring the COVID -19 pandemic. Learn more.